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    Lord Street Primary

    Lord Street Primary School Nursery Consultation


    The UK government has announced a new initiative to support school-based nurseries, which is part of its Opportunity Mission. The initiative aims to improve early years education and ensure every child has a good start in life.

    In line with this Lord Street Primary, is looking to establish a 20 full time place and 12 part-time place, term time only Nursery provision for 3-4 year olds, to help to meet the needs of our local community. 


    We recognise that the nurseries in our area are already well-established and offer educations provision for young children. However - data from the Local Authority suggest that there is scope for further nursery provision in the area. 

    In order to establish a Nursery, it is necessary for the school to change the age range for which the school can cater for, from 4-11 years old to 3-11 years old. 

    This is an exciting opportunity that would enable the school to provide Early Education places to children aged, 3 and 4 years old prior to their entry to school.

    The purpose of this consultation is to provide information about our proposal and seek the views of our trust families and the wider community.


    The proposed Nursery provision will be accommodated within the existing building using a spare classroom in school. Children will have access to the whole school site including our Forest School area, library, sensory room and Early Years indoor and outdoor space.

    The curriculum, planning, provision and pupils’ progress will be overseen and line-managed by the school’s Senior Leadership Team.

    It is proposed that the Lord Street Nursery would open in September 2025.

    Reasons for Opening Nursery Provision

    We believe the addition of a nursery class will benefit the children and families within our local community through the provision of high-quality affordable childcare and quality education for children from 3 years to 11 years, enabling families to use their Government Funded Early Education childcare entitlement at one setting without top-up fees.

    Lord Street Primary wishes to contribute to and support the Government’s scheme to support more parents and family members returning to work after their parental leave ends.  In addition, the benefits to the school, the children and the local community include:

    • A more comprehensive transition from Nursery to Reception to support a smoother start to school life for our Reception children who currently join us from several different nurseries.
    • Early identification of vulnerable families so that early help and support can be implemented more quickly.
    • Early identification of SEND needs which can subsequently be addressed earlier and appropriate support put in place.
    • A continuity of provision which reflects our vision and ethos.
    • To better ensure a full cohort of 60 children in our Reception year, supporting the school financially, which in turn benefits the whole school community.
    • Respond to expressions of interest in a Nursery from current and prospective families.
    • Provide continuity of provision from 3 to 11 years for our families.
    • Optimise the use of our facilities and capitalise on our expert knowledge of the early years’ foundation stage provision.
    • Provide employment opportunities and continuing professional development for current staff.

    Responding to the Consultation & Next Steps

    Lord Street Primary School welcomes the support of the local community that it serves.  This is an opportunity for parents, family members, staff and the local community who have an interest in the school to respond to the proposal. 

    Please email: to submit your views.  All responses must be received by Friday 31st January 2025 at 12 noon.

    If you have any other questions regarding this proposal, please contact the school office on: 01282 865597 or email:

    All views and responses will be considered after the consultation period ends and the Trustee Board will decide on the next steps.

    A ‘drop in’ information session will be held at Lord Street Primary School, from 2.45pm-3.15pm Friday 24th January 2025.  There will be no need to conform attendance, just report to reception on arrival.


    The consultation period starts on Friday 10th January 2025 and closes at 12 noon on Friday 31st January  2025 

    As Lord Street Primary is part of a Multi-Academy Trust, approval for this proposal is required from the Department for Education.